Towards an Alternative Economic Strategy
The Citizens Independent Network which incorporates the National Economics Forum is proud to release its first document in approaching a new Economic Strategy for the United Kingdom.
We are a group of individuals who are disillusioned with all of the major political parties in the United Kingdom. We are fully independent of any political group, cause or control.
Our members come from all aspects of the political spectrum and together we believe in the traditional values of debate, compromise and tolerance to try and make our country a better place, as well as highlighting injustices and educating citizens to help them understand their fundamental right
At the moment, our Facebook group is private and your application will require confirmation. We want to hear opinions from all points of view and backgrounds.
Every couple of weeks we host live events on Zoom for both the Citizens’ Independent Network (CIN) and the National Economic Forum (NEF). If you’d wish to join in, please click below to see our events calendar.
The Citizens Independent Network which incorporates the National Economics Forum is proud to release its first document in approaching a new Economic Strategy for the United Kingdom.
The UK has over two thousand billionaires and two million millionaires.
Some actually work, possibly getting a huge salary and perks for running large organisations. While some have their wealth tied up in the property they live in, hundreds of thousands live off the rents and profits extracted from the rest of the population, many of the latter living in dire poverty as a result.
These are proposals I have made with suggestions from Paul Forrest. It is essential we can develop a clear Alternative Economic Strategy (AES) which can point to the direction the UK needs to take to reconstruct its collapsing economy. All suggestions, no matter how minor, are welcome.
Aim: To raise awareness about the housing crisis and to propose some solutions both at national and local level.
Since the beginning of motion picture history, Britain has made some of the greatest contributions to the industry. People like Charlie Chaplin and Alfred Hitchcock amongst many others have pioneered the techniques and styles that are so ubiquitous today.
The housing crisis has become much worse in the last 40 years: the years of Thatcher, Blair and the present 12 years of Tory office. Millions have been priced out of buying a home as wages remain stagnant and house prices rocket.
The Citizens’ Independent Network is group unaffiliated with any political party.
All work Copyright Citizens’ Independent Network 2022 unless specified.
Errors and omissions excepted. If you disagree with anything – talk to us.
Created & Hosted in the United Kingdom