We are a group of individuals who are disillusioned with all of the major political parties in the United Kingdom. We are fully independent of any political group, cause or control. 

Our members come from all aspects of the political spectrum and together we believe in the traditional values of debate, compromise and tolerance to try and make our country a better place, as well as highlighting injustices and educating citizens to help them understand their fundamental right

Content Impartiality Notice

The Citizens’ Independent Network is the work of multiple contributors which, due to the our independent nature, may vary in opinion and thought. We encourage any author to backup their work with as many citied sources as possible. However, some work will be purely personal opinion.

Our aim is to identify solutions to problems through debate and by acknowledging varying points of view. 

If you read something you disagree with – Do not presume we are biased to one side of an argument, or another. We strongly welcome counter-argue and debate in a mature and concise manner.

As a simple rule, we will not have profanities, insults, threats or general hate to any individual or group. Common sense when it comes to being a civilized human being. 

No one is 100% right on everything. We can always learn from each other.

Towards an Alternative Economic Strategy

The Citizens Independent Network which incorporates the National Economics Forum is proud to release its first document in approaching an Alternative Economic Strategy for the United Kingdom.

Authored by Roger Hill with multiple contributions from members of the National Economic Forum, the document is our primary step into approaching economic problems from an alternative view to that currently laid out by the mainstream political parties.

It is our objective to lobby and stoke debate with all these parties as well as political organisations and Unions with an aim to influence policy with common sense thinking that benefits the citizens of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.

Please feel free to view a PDF version of the document from this link.

Printed editions will be available shortly and on request.

Should you wish to know more about or contribute to this document or the National Economics Forum generally, please contact us via:



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Lew Lowe
Lew Lowe
1 year ago

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